Series: How to overcome fear of public speaking. Part 2
Target audience: people who are desperate for tips to calm the nerves right before a big presentation or speaking in front of a crowd of people. For long term tips, please check out the first post on this here.
Getting to the point: Unless you are in the small population of people that does not get nervous before speaking in front of a big group of people, having some strategies to cope and reduce the nerves will be very helpful. There are lots of other strategies out there and I have tried many of them. The three tips I share are the ones that I have narrowed down to that works best for me. If someone like me has been able to drastically manage my nerves better before getting up on stage, you can too!
1) Watch a funny video. There is science behind it. Find a funny clip that always makes you laugh and watch it 20-30 minutes before the big moment. I have my go to Will Ferrell clip that is about 4 minutes long. I put my headphones on, watch it, and makes me laugh every time.
2) Scroll through pictures of loved ones. I am referring to people that love you for who you are and whether you rock your speech or absolutely bomb it, they still love you no matter what. This helps put things in perspective and draws attention away from the moment coming up.
3) Tell yourself you are excited and not anxious. Physiologically, the two are very similar. Your heart starts to race, stomach butterflies, sweaty palms, etc. What matters is how you are interpreting the feelings. Check out this article. Feeling excited also makes you perform better too!
It is ok to feel nervous. It is normal.
If someone like me has been able to dramatically improve the control of my emotions around public speaking, you can too! If you have not already, also check out my Part 1 where I share foundational changes to overcoming your fear of public speaking.
Other references below to help you. I have tried almost all of these over the years. Try what I shared above along with some of the below and find what works best for you.
15 tips by Inc
5 steps by Allison Shapira
5 mental tricks by Institute of Public Speaking