Thoughts, experiences, and advice in hopes to inspire, challenge, and help people rise up.

Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Top Traits of Great A/B Testing Leaders

Is your organization looking to hire someone to lead, scale and grow your A/B testing program? Are you stepping up to lead the A/B testing program in your organization? See what the most important characteristics are based on over 100 leaders I have observed.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #15: Chris Samila

Chris Samila is a passionate advocate and leader in the partnership program space. He shares his insights into the growing opportunities in partnership teams within organizations and advice on specific skills to build to accelerate success. With his genuine presence and focus on empathy, it is no surprise to see his career rocket trajectory.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #14: Valinda Kennedy

Valinda Kennedy, a long time IBMer and leader, shares her inspiring journey. From a small town in West Virginia, Valinda walks us through how her passion to learn and absorb information, coupled with taking risks, has truly created a rocket trajectory in her career. She has practical tips and insights for anyone to be able to take action on.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #12: Sue Hallen

Sue Hallen, our first world record holder guest, shares her fascinating journey starting out as a structural design engineer and evolving into AI and IP management. Along the way, she has made it into the Women’s Hall of Fame for powerlifting and Highland Games.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #11: Jayant Khadilkar

We change it up a bit in this episode. Since the importance of networking has come up multiple times by our previous guests, we sync up with Jayant Khadilkar who is a very successful entrepreneur, his approach to networking. Though he has built a wealth of relationships throughout his career, he claims he does not focus on building a network. How?

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

White Fragility—How does it impact the business world?

Racial reconciliation in our local communities, as well as our work environment, must start with humility and active listening. In the safety of your own space, I encourage everyone to watch this video. If you are white and get uncomfortable, Robin DiAngelo eloquently breaks down why.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #10: Cindy Dunkley

The most listened to episode of Career Rocket to date, Cindy Dunkley, a former VP of Brooks Brothers and startup CEO, reflects on how she has leveraged public speaking, resourcefulness, and courage to drive her career.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

The diversity squeeze as you climb the corporate ladder

Have you noticed that as you look up the company matrix, white men seem to become proportionally higher? We dive into research that shows how this is the case, even though there are plenty of research too that shows diversity in leadership is good for the bottom line.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #9: Matt Gardner

A man driven by curiosity and a passion to learn, Matt Gardner, shares his career journey which has been a rocket like trajectory. The first to go to a university from his family, he earns a PhD and goes on to work at cutting edge companies around the world.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #8: Amber Sundell

An IBM marketing director, artist and foodie influencer, Amber Sundell shares her journey from working in customer service at a small cruise line, landing a consulting position in Australia, to moving up in IBM.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #7: Kenya Davis

A leader in A/B testing and analytics, a passionate artist, and a tremendous role model for women, Kenya shares a ton of practical advice on how to accelerate your career trajectory. We also get into diversity issues that plague our work environment.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #6: Dan London

Ka ka ka. A digital marketing guru with the most distinguished laugh, Dan London, cuts to the chase that for those that want to move up need to forge their own paths and be fearless.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #5: David McBride

The wise, thoughtful, kind, and gracious David McBride shares his interesting career journey which takes him and his family all over the country as he emerges as one of the digital analytics leader recognized by so many in the industry.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

My LinkedIn network is white and I am not white.

I woke up one morning with the curiosity to see how my racial biases and the industry I built my career around have shaped my business network. It was a fascinating exercise to go through and opened up a lot of questions about myself.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Martin Luther King Jr.

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people” - MLK

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #4: Geoff Lewis

One of the coolest, smartest, and most chill data scientist around, Geoff Lewis drops some practical tips on how to accelerate one’s career in the digital analytics space. Spoiler alert, ride your bike to work.

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