White Fragility—How does it impact the business world?

“I have minority friends.” “I am married to a Person of Color.” “I have adopted children of a different race.” “I live in a neighborhood that is very diverse.” “I did a week-long service trip in Kenya.” Do these statements mean that I am not racist?

Why do White people often get defensive or uncomfortable even when we just use the phrase,”‘White people?’” What is White’ culture? Can you come up with a list of characteristics? I have never thought much about these these types of questions, perhaps because I am not White. My wife, a high school teacher with a background in sociology, is White. Ironically, she has been schooling me on the history of racism and opening my eyes to how systemic it is. She has been the catalyst for me to dig deeper into this topic, educate myself, and embark on the journey of how I can combat my own racist tendencies and make a more positive impact to society.

I recenlty watched the video (below) of Dr. Robin DiAngelo discussing her thought provoking book, White Fragility. Please watch this—you may not agree with some of her points and but they are worth considering. I truly believe the first step towards the journey of racial reconciliation is to actively listen with humility. These conversations and interactions will get uncomfortable at times and that’s ok. I am not White and I get uncomfortable at times talking about race and racism. If you are white and feel uneasy reading, listening, and having discussions on race, think about how people of color in this country have felt all this time.

I wrote an earlier post that included a lot of articles on how diversity gets squeezed out as the levels go up in corporations. The data shows the struggles of diversity in leadership, even though data also shows diversity in leadership is good for the bottom line. Dr. DiAngelo in her video points out that even the “progressive” tech companies who most perceive as young progressives are wrought with racism.

POC, how does white fragility impact you at work?

White people, how do you think your white fragility impacts POC? Have you asked?

We are all humans. We all have flaws. I have racist tendencies. We all have racist tendencies. Even Dr. DiAngelo, who has been studying and consulting for organizations on combating racism for decades, points out she has racist tendencies.

Systemic racism is real. It is everywhere just like the air we breath. It has shaped the way we view ourselves and interact with one another regardless of whether we are aware of it.

I hope you invest the time to watch and actively listen to this entire video with an open mind and heart. I truly believe the more people who uncomfortably sit through this video, the more first steps will be taken as humans to start having meaningful reconciliations.

Just maybe, these steps will lead to a more inclusive workplace for all down the road.


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