Thoughts, experiences, and advice in hopes to inspire, challenge, and help people rise up.

Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Series: How to overcome fear of public speaking. Part 2

Do you get anxious before stepping up on stage or right before presenting at a meeting? Me too! Public speaking was a huge fear of mine and I share the three practical things I do to calm my nerves. By the way, I still get nervous. I just built up a tool kit to help me out.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #3: Reid Bryant

The ridiculously smart and talented data scientist, Reid Bryant, shares his take on the paradox of success and in spite of being a huge UNC fan, how he has managed to become so successful.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #2: David Bacon

Career advice from digital analytics and optimization leader David Bacon. Besides having a super cool last name and being incredibly smart, he shares his take on how to live an abundant life that encompasses both the personal and work world.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Series: How to overcome fear of public speaking. Part 1

Do you feel like you seem to get more nervous about public speaking than all the other people you know? You are not alone! I share my 5th grade story of how I froze in front of the class. Over time, I have managed to speak in front of many groups and audiences without freezing up. I share a few practical tips that may help you overcome your fears of public speaking.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

Career Rocket Episode #1: William Thomas

Our first Career Rocket guest! William Thomas, a long time IBM consultant, shares his thoughtful assessment of what it takes to make your career take off. He is now the co-founder of Empathetic Machines, a platform where industry leaders discuss hot topics of the intersection of technology and ethics.

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Naoshi Yamauchi Naoshi Yamauchi

My secret sauce for coming up with great A/B test ideas

Having thoughtful, hypothesis driven test ideas is one of the most overlooked component of the A/B testing process. Through my experience of consulting with many Fortune 500 companies around A/B testing, I continue to be baffled by how weak the road map is for the types of tests they plan to run. I lay out a very simple framework that should help create a standard for ideas.

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